Friday, July 14, 2006

Race Day

This weekend Ethan will experience his first Nascar race. Of course he is going to enjoy it!!! He already loves this driver.

July 13, 2006

We went for another ultrasound today and Ethan was measured to be about 4 lbs. 3 ozs. right now. Everything measures out perfectly. We even got his birthday scheduled an induction for August 28th. So if everything goes as planned that is baby day!!
Here he is waving "HI "at everyone........

Monday, July 10, 2006

33 weeks Pregnant!! July 10, 2006

Whoa!!! 7 weeks to go ..................another ultrasound scheduled for this Thursday..July 13..going to estimate Ethans weight.
Another belly is actually starting to grow!!
Very cool to sit and watch my belly move.....

Updated Nursery....July

We finally have some furniture in Ethan's room. Although I am still working on decorating , thought you would all enjoy having another look. We decided to go with brown bears and those tin stars .....

28 Weeks Pregnant!!

Wow..I can really feel the kicks now. Lots of rolling too.

23 weeks Pregnant!!

Just feeling plain old fat!! Had to take these for Christy..................

Creating the Ultimate Nursery

Nice sweatpants Dave!! Rockin the outfit..............

This was something I was so looking forward to doing. I could not wait to get started. We started paintng early on. We both worked on the taping, Dave painted the walls and I created the sky ceiling. Believe it or not, I did it without even getting on a ladder.

Starting To Grow.............

19 weeks and 6 days

Here is another ultrasound picture where we got to hear the heartbeat which was 147 and found out we were having a boy!!

The first trimester was such a breeze..never had ANY weird cravings..felt not even pregnant. I did get hit hard with the moodiness of it though. HAHA, all you have to do is ask Dave or other family members about that. One minute fine the next crying or flipping out.


The Proud Parents to Be


Sunday, July 09, 2006

What a Gift!!

December 25, 2005............Christmas Day, we found out we were pregnant!!! First thing that morning I took the test and low and behold it came out POSITIVE!! Very exciting..was the the hardest thing to keep a secret all day. Well, actually .....for next couple of months.

First Picture at 13 Weeks
Due August 30, 2006