Tuesday, June 19, 2007

10 Months Old!!

So much has changed in just 1 month!! Yes... Ethan is now CRAWLING!! It was just all of a sudden....one day he just decided he was going to do it and did a few steps and in just 3 days...he is all over the place. He is definitely exploring everything he can. Anything he can get his hands on he does. He is so much more vocal now too. He yells to get attention and talks and sings to his toys and to the TV. He really loves music.
Ethan is also now eating mostly table foods..........he loves his french toast sticks and bananas for breakfast. He plays a game in his high chair , he hides some of his food in the corner!!

Hmmmmmm..."I think I will play with the cats toys too!"

and ...."I think I will move th
e furniture around...